
Don’t Make Ads Annoying

I’m sure you’ve all seen Brian’s In-Stream ad on YouTube, hate it? I hate it! Brian is a perfect example of marketing failure. What is an annoying ad? The Coalition for Better Ads summarizes 2 things: 1. disrupts the web/content experience and 2. wastes loading time. Take short video ads as an example: Long Pre-Roll Ads, Mid-Roll Ads, and Large Display Ads are the most annoying types of ads. Aren’t the first two the official In-Stream ad formats of YouTube! Want to not be hated by YouTube viewers? Be more creative with your marketing and advertising. Try to go beyond the official YouTube format and incorporate brand and product information into the original content. Viewers can enjoy the content and receive consumer information at the same time; without interrupting the viewing experience and without being interrupted and then reloaded. At least that’s what you need to do today to be considered a passable commercial. Of course, how to do it better is a matter of creativity.